Posted on 12. Nov, 2009 by in All, Dayton Dragons Baseball, General Baseball.

2010 Dayton Dragons Coaching Staff

dayton-dragonsThe Dayton Dragons are still several months away from finding out which players will be assigned to the Low Class-A team for the 2010 season, but the Cincinnati Reds have just announced who the coaching staff will be.
Returning for a second season are manager Todd Benzinger and pitching coach Tony Fossas.  With 2009 hitting coach Tony Jaramillo being promoted within the organization, a new hitting coach had to be assigned to the Dragons. That spot will be filled by former Major League All-Star Ken Griffey Sr.

Following his 19 year big league career, Griffey Sr. has served as a Special Assistant with the Reds in recent years but this will be his first as a full time coach.  Griffey Sr. has made several trips to Dayton to serve as a roving instructor for the Reds.

On paper, this has to be the most exciting and experienced coaching staff in the Midwest League.  All three of the coaches have around double digit years experience or more.  All three have also participated in the postseason, and also spent some time in the minor leagues working their way up the ladder.

I have to say that I am very excited to see this crew working together and thrilled that the 2010 Dragons players will have this staff working with them day in and day out.

The Reds also announced that Tyler Steele will return to Dayton for his second year as athletic trainer.  A strength coach has not yet been named.

As the Hot Stove league is getting underway, this is a great start for the Cincinnati Reds to place these three in Dayton for the upcoming season.

Manager Todd Benzinger

Manager Todd Benzinger

Hitting Coach Ken Griffey Sr.

Hitting Coach Ken Griffey Sr.

Pitching Coach Tony Fossas

Pitching Coach Tony Fossas

4 Responses to “2010 Dayton Dragons Coaching Staff”

  1. murph says:

    tell nigel to come back!!

  2. mackdaddy says:

    Good staff for autographs. Maybe u can get me one.

  3. Corey says:

    I will put you on the request list for an autograph…Want one from me also?

  4. Corey says:

    for real…you guys need a good strength coach and good clubhouse manager next season!!


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